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Short-range C-UAV defense systems

SPACEUNION is focused on creation of high-tech laser short range C-UAV solution that could improve the defense capabilities of the NATO Armed Forces, especially where high accuracy, speed and efficiency are required.

This system integrates several vital components, including a high-precision radar for detecting UAVs, an interceptor drone equipped with an electro- optical system for visual identification, and a directed- energy laser.

Border and customs security control

SPACEUNION Anti-Drone solutions are thus a great tool against exploitation attacks, protecting borders against penetrations, and smuggling with radar capability up to 5km detection range.

The primary target customers for this hybrid (direct and indirect neutralization capabilities) C- UAV system are government agencies responsible for border control, customs, homeland security, and military operations.
Preventing intelligence activities or smuggling of goods
When such a threat is detected by the radar, a drone with laser on board is sent to the given coordinates and burns through the shell so that the balloon lands vertically down. This solution is also quite effective in combating reconnaissance FPV drones: when such targets are detected, the “laser drone”, operator directs the laser beam to the video camera and blinds it, providing essential security against potential aerial and ground threats.
Infrastructure (1)

Protection of critical civil infrastructure

SPACEUNION’s real-time surveillance and threat detection solutions provide essential security against potential aerial and ground threats to critical infrastructure such as power plants, oil refineries, and water treatment facilities. Their products are tailored to operate autonomously, making them suitable for securing remote or high- risk facilities.

Space debris mitigation

A lot of Space debris require to identify and analyze the design drivers for the Zero Debris Platform evolution and perform trade-off studies to define technological solutions and building blocks to be developed. SPACEUNION is developing scenarios of satellite deorbiting in a way of reducing kinetic energy by directing laser energy on the target.

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